lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

Colombian Gastronomy

The Colombian gastronomy is the outcome of the merging of food, practices and culinary traditions of local Native American cultures, Spanish and African. This mixing defines not only our gastronomic identity but also the cultural identity and population of our country.

Caribbean Region

In the Colombian Caribbean gastronomy are found ingredients like sea and river fish, shellfish, beef, chicken, pork, animals of the forest, yucca, banana, yam, vegetables, derived from milk, rice, corn and native fruits. The most popular dish of the region is the Sancocho which varies in preparation and ingredients: beef, fish, shellfish, turtles, chicken, chivo, deer, among other native species.

In the Colombian Caribbean Coast the most popular dish is Sancocho which varies in preparation and ingredients: sancocho of tripe, rib, guandú with salted meat, cottontail, fish, shellfish, turtle, chicken and goat. Fried dishes like Arepas made ​​from corn, Patties, fried plantain, carimañolas based yucca, friche (based on the viscera of the goat) and quibbes; derived from milk like cheese and whey coastal; fish in various preparations as Bocachico or Tilapia, shellfish casserole, seafood cocktails, rice and coconut rice and lisa rice, animals of the forest in different preparations as Icotea, fried turtle or Pisingo; candies like enyucado, joys, cakes or coconut candies, drinks like panela water, the raspao, the Corozo and tamarind juice, and between alcoholic drinks rum. Fruits like watermelon, guava, sapodilla, the medlar, sugar apple, soursop, tamarind, Cohune Nut, and Maranon and multiple preparations like cayeye, the butifarras (sausages), the head of a cat, cake and hayaca.

 Andean Region
In the Andean region are typical regional dishes Tolima (departments of Tolima and Huila) and the suckling pig and the tamale, rice mixed with meat, chicken, pork and soft grains wrapped in banana leaves. The kitchen offers cundiboyacense preparations as masato, lachicha, the fried food and wines, among which stand out the changua or potato broth, stew santafereño, the ajiaco and other specialties such as pork backbone cuchuco of, preparations based on river fish as fish widower, cubios with mashed ripe banana, bean stew and guatila, spinach cake, sweet as the sandwich veleño, passion fruit foam which, custard of milk, curd with molasses, sweets and papayuela gooseberries, the flirty and almojábana cake or custard muisca.

In the Antiochian  kitchen stand ingredients like cocoa, panela corn, trout, beef, native fruits like guava and pineapple, bananas, beans and coffee.the Paisa tray is the dish of this region and has sometimes been considered to be representative dish of Colombia. also include other dishes like Antioquians beans, Antioquian Sancocho, Antioquian tripe, the hogao, the calentao, the pegao and arepa varieties: the traditional Arepa Paisa for which peels the corn in water with ash, yews and roasted in clay, and corncob arepa with Antioquia cheese, among others, the "old clothes" and the aguardiente with its variety of mistelas (Antioquia and the coffee), among others, Santander is typical of the pepitoria, prepared with the entrails of the goat and rice (rice with pepitoria), the mute, the flesh oreada; culonas ants, and morcilla (black sausages), also known as stuffed. In the department of Nariño, in the southwest of the country neighboring with Ecuador, the most representative dish is Cuy (guinea pig). They are representative of Valle del Cauca chicken stew, the shampoos, the cholado, the lulada, rice atollao, the tamale valluno, the marranitas, puff pastries, the chancacas of Buenaventura, jellies, blancmange, tortilla soup , cake or cuaresmero hateño the pandebono, cassava bread, oats of Cali, the Aborrajados, pies, chontaduro, fish and shellfish in different preparations on the Pacific coast.

Pacific Region
Although little known in the north, the kitchen is the most representative of the Cauca Valley and Nariño. Very related to the Ecuadorian, Nariñense cuisine is well known for its very unique components and some of their dishes such as the guinea pig, which is not very popular in the Andean region, but not so in the southern region.

Region of the Orinoco
One of the most typical dishes of this region is the veal plains or mamona, which is prepared roasting cuts of beef in a clay oven at 250 ° C for 8-14 hours. Other special dishes are hallaca, tamale stuffed with turtle meat and vegetables, the stick under, a preparation of meat veguero beans, rice plains, containing oxtail and vegetables, rabbit wine pavilion Creole dish containing beef, caraotas (black beans), white rice, egg and banana slices. A typical Arepa class is the cachapa (sweet corn and cheese jojoto). Also soups like guamarra boiled (taparuca hen, hen variety plains) and chopped with cecina beef (salted and dried in the sun). There are typical drinks like chicha rice and guarroz. A typical fish is coporo prepared with lard. Casabe is another very accustomed food, prepared from cassava pressed (typically using a sebucán) and roast in a pot or griddle.

Amazon Region
Inside the most popular dishes prepared with egg tortoise with Morrocoy turtle. They like to eat monkey, danta, capibara, boa which consume as smoked loin with lemon, vinegar, potatoes, etc.. Because of its abundant rivers are consuming too much fish supplemented with casabe (made from bitter yucca, poisonous), banana and exotic fruits like anon copoazu and Amazon. also drink chive, which is yucca flour with water, molasses of panela and honey.

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